Announcing Chenlong.Hu Personal Website Release 3.0

by Chenlong 2019-12-01

language of the article

1190 0 RELEASE v3.0 .netcore3x


My website went to .net core 3.0 - sadly without changes in UI


In order to pay off my technical debts, I had to squeeze some time from playing FIFA 20 and do the migration of .net core 3.0 for my website.

It's pretty well explained in the official documentation:

However, one important tip for those who had azure functions projects living inside the same solution with the application projects, you'd better separate them apart as there are conflicts with the dependencies. Otherwise, you'll need to use the preview version of the function runtime which could be very painful. More instructions can be found here:


Changes in 3.0


  • Migrated from ASP.NET core 2.1 to 3.0
  • Upgraded all backend packages
  • Separated Function and Application projects
  • Improved CI/CD pipelines


Chenlong Hu - 2019.12.1 in Paris, France.

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