Chenlong.Hu Release 1.1

by Chenlong 2019-02-11

language of the article

1214 0 RELEASE v1.1 privacy cookie


New features in 1.1

  • Added the privacy policy page
  • Added accept/revoke cookie consent buttons
  • Added download/delete personal data and close account in the account management section
  • Added structured data and sitemap for SEO improvement
  • Blog views counter


UI changes

  • Uploaded brand new logo (designed by Qian Xu
  • Added Github link at home page
  • Added blog views icon
  • Added reaction buttons to the blog page
  • Showing blog creation date and modification date in yyyy-MM-dd HH:mm format
  • More translations


Back-Office features

  • Save blog drafts for manual publish/unpublish


Bugs fixed

  • Page redirected error after clicking on activate account button in the account registration email


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