Announcing Chenlong.Hu Personal Website Release 2.0
by Chenlong 2019-05-01
language of the article
1219 0 RELEASE v2.0 polishing frontstuff
Introduction - A major version update of my website!
After a couple of releases for v1.x, here it comes the v2.0 with a brand new look and a much improved UX.
Front Changes in 2.0
- New Font
- A leaner CSS compiled from LESS
- Added a colorful loading spinner
- Redesigned home page: new banner, new blog recommendation section, removed contact form.
- Redesigned blog page: new pagination bar at the bottom, new blog wrapper card, added blog thumbnail (just some license free random beautiful pictures for the decoration), new comment section experience.
- Other redesigned pages: login, account management, forgot password, register, error.
Back Changes in 2.0
- Improved GEO service for IP location detection
- Improved document search performance
- Improved back-office general UX
- Improved logging
- Added dynamic settings for app configuration
Main Package Updates
- Boostrap 3.3.6 -> 4.3.1
- Jquery 2.2.0 -> 3.4.0
- TinyMCE 4.8.5 -> 5.0.3
Chenlong Hu - 2019.5.2 in Paris, France.